The piece s v i t v o j i s v e t o v i (eng: all your worlds) speaks about the multidimensionality of beingness, the experiencing of resonance and connection between its dimensions. Angles of observation afford different meanings, which cohere and integrate into a unified whole. This piece seeks to crack open individual pitches to expose the harmonic fields within. These fields are relational and influence each other, either melting to form resonant knots that rotate and coalesce, or becoming distinct and separable instrumental identities that emerge to inhabit their own sound world. The piece is commissioned by ensemble Studio 6.
First performance: October 7, 2019
28. International review of composers, Belgrade, Student Cultural Center
ensemble studio 6: Vladimir Blagojević accordion, Nenad Marković trumpet, Milana Zarić harp, Bojana Pantović violin, Ivan Marjanović percussion